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Soul Archeology Apprenticeship Training 

This is not a traditional "training program". It is a living and lived experiential embodiment of your personal magic. As we learn together, the teachings will also shift. It is not static. There is no certification offered. Your readiness is not determined by a calendar or a list of check boxes. Your readiness will be based on your inner authority and intuition, also referred to as Gnosis- nothing is greater than your inner knowing. It will also be determined by feedback from myself and your fellow trainees and all those you hold space for, as well as the authority of the medicines you will chose to work with and that chose to work with you.


The apprenticeship will have few requirements and plenty of spaciousness for your own gifts to guide you in your developing practice. There will be an expectation that you will share your gifts with all of us so that we may learn from you as well.


The minimum requirements include:

  • Working with me in-person (San Diego or the Bay area only) as a client for at least 3 cycles of Soul Archeology sessions. This is typically done with three 2-hour sessions on three consecutive days and then 4-6 weeks for integration in between cycles. We will assess your readiness for practice after the first three rounds and proceed with more as needed. I'm currently asking $150/hour for these sessions, although I am willing to adjust as needed if we are in alignment.

  • Attending virtual training/integration groups twice per month while learning the process. There is currently no charge for these groups as long as you are actively receiving Soul Archeology sessions from me. If you'd like to continue to attend after your sessions are complete, attendance in these groups will be donation based.

  • Required reading of The Ethics of Caring by Kylea Taylor (many more texts will be recommended based on your area of interest, but not required)

  • A well resourced network of support and supportive practices in your current daily life.

  • A willingness to deepen your relationship with your inherent medicine, as well as with your plant medicine allies.

  • The capacity to hold a beginners mind while also trusting in your inherent gnosis.

  • A deep commitment to be of service with ethics, love, reverence and humility.


Individual case consultations/integration sessions will also be available by zoom if requested, although the more we can process in community the more it will benefit all of us. There will be opportunities for practice trades amongst those in the program.



For those not ready or unable to commit to the full apprenticeship at this time, I offer multiple options for consultation, supervision, and mentorship.


In order to give back to the community, and fulfill my own need for accountability and support, I hold space for a virtual Peer-to-Peer Group Case Consultations and ethical discussion for facilitators via Navigating the Liminal.

There is no charge to attend these groups.


I was in a supervisory position for several years while I was a licensed psychologist and I bring those skills and leadership abilities to the psychedelic realm via private virtual 1:1 Mentorship/Supervision/Consultation for Licensed and Underground Facilitators

Fees Vary



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